Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Beginning of an Unknown Path

This past semester has been a big adjustment for me in many ways. I have been challenged in many ways and I feel like I have grown a lot as well. I have a group of friends that I have become a lot closer with. I love my family and I cherish all the special times we are together. At the end of summer, I made it a goal of mine for the next year to really grow in my personal walk with Christ and also to find out who I am and where God is calling me. With half of the year done, I feel like I have already grown in many ways, but I know that I am nowhere near where I hope to be.

Nursing school has obviously been a new challenge in my life these past few months and I have had my ups and downs on this journey so far. I honestly can say that nursing school doesn't really excite me much and I really struggle with wondering if this is what I should be doing. I have always wondered where God is leading my and what career path I should be on. I never really thought of nursing as a possible career until I picked it as my major when I chose CBU. When I saw my acceptance letter into the school of nursin I will be honest and say I wasn't super excited, because I knew all the challenges and how difficult this path can be. As you might guess, I like to know exactly what lays in front of me and I like to plan out my path step by step....this is something I have been working on changing.

Some things that have always interested me are helping people and anything medical. I have been on several ride alongs with my dad who is a firefighter and I love what he does. I just wasn't sure if that is what I wanted to do after high school, so that is why I picked nursing here at CBU. I usually don't become nervous for anything and I am a fairly confident and positive person, but there have been plenty of times over the last few months where I failed in those areas. It has been hard seeing students around me feel so excited to go clinical while I struggle to sleep the nights before I have my clinical. Clinical shifts are something that I always get uneasy about because I just feel so uncomfortable and I feel like I have no clue what to do sometimes, which is a problem that I don't like at all. These times make me really question if this is the right path for me.

These struggles have also allowed me to grow way more in my faith which has been a major comfort for me during the last couple of months. I know that God is leading my where he needs me and He has my path already prepared, all I need to do is to listen to His word and stay in constant communication with Him. When I am doubting why I am here, I think back to where God has put me currently and how there is a reason for me studying nursing at CBU. I know God has a plan for me with nursing because I love helping people, I enjoy learning about medicine, and I am only 19 years old and already this far in nursing. I have grown a lot with allowing God to steer me where He wants me and giving up control. Another thing that I have grown to love about nursing is that there are so many different opportunities for an RN, not necessarily just being next to a bed in a local hospital. Being adventurous is something that describes me well and I am totally open to whatever God might doing in my life with nursing. Whether I become a Med/Surg nurse, ER nurse, flight nurse, military nurse, school nurse, a nurse overseas, or some totally different profession I know that God is with me and leading my path. Having this mindset has allowed me to overcome the times of doubt and uncomfort because I know I am here for a reason and I can embrace this opportunity that the Lord has given me. I now can say that I am more excited for the upcoming years of nursing school and I am excited to see what opportunities God will lead me to. Instead of just trying to get through each day, I am now looking at the bigger picture and thanking God for the opportunities He has already given me with nursing. I can be excited to learn and grow as a student nurse because I have faith that I am on the right path, and even though I don't know what lies ahead of me I know that God is guiding me and I pray I can be used to further His kingdom in whatever opportunity that comes my way.